General Management

Airy Cortada
General Manager
I have been working in the field of chemistry for more than 21 years. I am passionate about my team, my customers and my two little princesses!
93 770 97 33

Eva Docampo
Purchasing Manager
Cooperation and partnership with all departments is the best way to know ourselves.
+34 660 66 25 04

Marta Sellarès
Purchasing Analyst
Researching new sources of raw materials is one of the most amazing things about my job as well as the relationship with many different people around the world.
+34 656 778 756

Estela Reyes
Accounts Department
Do what you have to do until you transform your job into your talent.
93 827 96 96

Miriam Salvador
Export Area Manager
Always trying to learn, improving and enjoying clients and the international environment.
+34 619 130 251

Raúl San José
Sales Representative
Providing solutions to our customers and seeking new applications for our products.
+34 696 93 92 58

May Lys
Export Area Manager
Action is the foundational key to all success.
+34 615 369 632
Quality Unit

Alex Vera
R+D Manager
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
+34 650 772 932

Laia Galito
Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Technician
Continuous improvement is the best future investment.
+34 656 778 716

Laia Esquerra
Quality Assurance Manager
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
+34 656 779 024

Sara Sánchez
Laboratory Responsible
Curiosity is the key to discovering the world.

Sergi Rois
Laboratory Shift Manager
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

Our Quality Team.

David Carreras
Operations Manager
Quality begins on the inside and then works its way out.
+34 648 674 523

Mohamed El Fahsi
Production Manager
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Alex Coll
Production Manager
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.

Daniel Resina
Production Manager
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Roger Tenor
Production Technician
Opportunities don't happen. You create them.

Eduard Marot
Industrial Technician
Technology advances, but technical skill remains fundamental.

Our Production Team in Quality Chemicals

Our Production Team in Quality Chemicals

Our Production Team in Quality Chemicals

Aksana Vayevoda
Logistics Technician
Excellence is a skill acquired through constant practice.
+34 656 778 192

Joan Torrent
Maintenance Manager
Do what you have to do until you transform your job into your talent.
+34 657 30 04 62

Eric Pros
Warehouse Responsible
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Our Warehouse Team in Quality Chemicals

Ángel Manuel Rivera
Warehouse Responsible
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Our Warehouse Team in Purity Chemicals
GMP Management

Angel Nogales
Plant Manager
Nothing is impossible if you are willing to work for it.
+ 34 629 16 55 62
GMP Quality Unit

Elena Martínez
Laboratory Responsible
Science is the great journey of humanity toward knowledge.

Ruth Ureña
Laboratory Shift Responsible
Science and curiosity are like two sides of the same coin. Without curiosity, there is no scientific progress.

Our Quality Unit in Purity Chemicals
GMP Production

María López
Production Technician
Hard work and dedication are the keys to success.

Fernando Aguado
Manufacturing Responsible
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.

José Ramón Cebrián
Industrial Technician
Innovation and technology are the tools with which we build the future.

Josué González
Production Shift Manager
Success is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failures.

Alberto Calzada
Production Shift Manager
No matter how many times you fail, you must be willing to keep trying and getting up each time.

Our GMP Production Team

Our GMP Production Team

Our GMP Production Team